J.A. Michell

J.A. Michell


Throughout our forty year history, we have strived to offer the very best products and service to our customers. Right from our very humble beginnings, we have set out to design and build products that offer true innovation to the audio world whilst still retaining the personal touch that was instilled into the company by our founder – the late John Michell. John began his engineering career when he served an apprenticeship with Finchley Autos in the early fifties. Deciding to start his own business, he set up in his garden shed and quickly moved to a small industrial unit in North London. Working as a jobbing engineering company, he soon outgrew the premises so, during the mid ‘60’s, moved to Borehamwood, which is where the company is still based today. Although very much an engineering company, John also made scale models and it was during this time that he met Stanley Kubrick and built the space ship ‘Discovery’ for the film 2001 – Space Odyssey, later to become the inspiration for the GyroDec.




Zoznam ponúkaných výrobkov:

British Audio Division
British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic
Pro Metheus Slovakia Co. Ltd. 2025